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Investment Choices: Arbitrating between ordinary, innovative and ecological projects

Companies have to make choices in their investments in order to anticipate market changes but also to ensure their profitability and their alignment with the company's development strategy. Moreover, today, the company takes greater account of the social and environmental impacts of its investment choices in its strategy. This case raises the question of the factors to be identified to ensure the profitability and viability of the investment project. Indeed, in its development strategy, the company has the choice between many projects, rather innovative, ecological or ordinary (such as expansion, replacement, or outsourcing), but what are the determining factors for the selection.
In this case, the participants will act as a team working for a fictitious electrical equipment company, Omega Energy Electric whose objective is to arbitrate between different investment projects. First, investment criteria such as net present value and IRR of the projects are analyzed. Then, the risks are evaluated in order to guide the choice. Finally, all projects are discussed to make the selection based on its investment strategy: Digitalization for energy efficiency, Electrification for decarbonization, and Ecodesign for sustainability. The objective of this case is to understand that many factors must be taken into account to select the projects in which to invest in order to position itself against the competition and ensure future profitability consistent with CSR objectives.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Identifying the critical factors
- Applying the net present value
- Determining the impact on sustainable development
- Developing analytical and synthesis skills
- Learning to collaborate in a team
- Making choices in situations of uncertainty
Sustainable development goals, net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, financial breakeven, degree of operating leverage, sensitivity analysis, ecological project, innovative project
The participants concerned are master students who specialize in the field of financial management (corporate finance) and strategic investment at university, in management school or in engineering school but also people wishing to learn about capital budgeting.
Caractéristiques particulières
- Debriefing PowerPoin : 18 slides
- Excel File: Financial data
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
16 avec 6 page(s) annexe(s)
de 4 à 6 heures (4 hours.)
40 - Production et distribution d'électricité, de gaz et de chaleur
Oui (8 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 470,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 940,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.