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Tomas Hermanos: an Overview of Management Control. Teaching Notes

The case presents a century-old commercial and services company in the agricultural sector in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. This family owned firm intends to provide a one-stop service to farmers based around the region of Carlos Casares, a countryside area not far from Buenos Aires city. During an in-depth interview, the CEO and main shareholder explains the competitive environment with its opportunities and risks, along with the company's strategy. During this interview, the CEO explain how the company addresses macroeconomic risks (e.g. inflation, exchange rate volatility), which are quite common in Argentina. The CEO also explains in detail how the company makes decisions, takes care of their different stakeholders and prepares itself for the future. The conversation goes on analysing the main elements of the company's piloting system: planning process, main policies and incentive systems.
Objectifs pédagogiques
Make sense of the strategy process in a small or medium sized company, Understand the risks faced in a volatile macroeconomic environment like that of Argentina, Become familiar with the planning process of a small or medium sized company with different business units, Be aware of the need to address different viewpoints during the planning process,
Brand portfolio; Pricing policy; Brand strategy; Emerging economy; Marketing budget; Economic crisis
Post-Graduate; Executive education
Secteur d'activité
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
Oui (6 pages) - à acheter séparément

Adhérents : 5,10 € HT / Non adhérent : 5,50 € HT
Licence à l'unité*
* Usage unique limité à une session. Prix par étudiant formé. Licence à renouveler pour chaque nouvelle session.

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Note pédagogique
Tomas Hermanos: an Overview of Management Control