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Grameen Danone in Bangladesh: Building, Rebuilding and Sustaining the Social Business (Student)

This case is based on a reconstruction of circumstances at Grameen Danone Foods Ltd in Bangladesh at the end of 2008 during a project phase that put tough questions to company management and shareholders. At first, these questions were linked to a doubling of milk prices in April 2008 and challenged the initial model, which had just begun to function. The project had to be completely redesigned. Numerous questions followed concerning different possible options and prioritizing actions to take. This case's goal is to make you think about how to ensure the company's profitability, a necessary condition for sustainability, without losing sight of the social aims for which it was created. To carry out this mission, you must put yourself in a position to relive the situation by studying the socio-economic context of Bangladesh and the state of the project at the end of 2008. You must also broaden your thinking about ethical and political issues related to businesses' contribution to local development in countries in the South.
Danone Group; Banglasdesh; Social Business Enterprise; Marketing in emerging markets; Ethic; Danone Communities; Grameen Bank; Grameen Danone; CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility);Bottom of the Pyramid; Development
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