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Satisfying Chinese Fits "asking for the Moon" demands

Despite its size and strong potential, China's outbound tourism market faces challenges due to intensifying competition and an increasingly diverse and demanding customer base.
While group tours remain a popular option for less-experienced tourists, families, the elderly and small-town customers, the number of free and independent travelers (FITs) is growing considerably, particularly among younger, more experienced, adventure-seeking customers.
Neither all-inclusive group tours nor traditional luxury packages with individual accompaniment can satisfy them.
FITs reject most of the services offered by travel agencies and are looking for highly personalized services, but at an affordable price, while retaining their total independence throughout the trip.
Service providers need to be constantly updating their market information, improving existing offers and creating new services to satisfy emerging customer needs.
Objectifs pédagogiques
After having learnt the case, the students should be able to:
- familiarize themselves with the general situation of the outbound tourism market in China;
- understand emerging market trends;
- apply marketing concepts in case analysis;
- to propose new services to meet customer demands.
Marketing - International marketing - Tourism - China - STP marketing
M1, M2, Masters spécialisés
Ecole d'ingénieurs
Secteur d'activité
Caractéristiques particulières
PPT débriefing (7 slides)
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
92 - Activités récréatives, culturelles et sportives
Oui (6 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.