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Nature & Découvertes : Consumer spending slowdown and eco-wave: how can we continue... ?

Since the launch of its first store in November 1990, the Nature & Découvertes chain has been seen as a ground-breaking pioneer for its marketing innovations (market positioning, architectural concept, sensory marketing, merchandising, events, etc.).
The company's global approach (publication of environmental reports since 1993, Foundation creation in 1994, launch of the Canopée annual review in 2003, ISO 14001 certification of all sites in 2006, etc.) has always been oriented around the visionary values of its founder, François Lemarchand.
Today, ecology, sustainable development and fair trade are among the main concerns of our western societies; consideration of these dimensions will soon constitute a "basic contract" between all economic players and consumers. Moreover, as the store management division states, companies must now deal with the "consumer spending slowdown" that started in 2008 and intensified in 2009. Nature & Découvertes must also integrate this new type of behaviour into its commercial strategy.
What are the main development strategies that will enable Nature & Découvertes to maintain its innovative and differentiating market position?
How could it develop in terms of global design? :
- Offer policy: mix, new ranges (products, services).
- Communication and loyalty policy.
- Communication design: design strategy, visual identity, packaging, products, commercial architecture (sales outlets).
Objectifs pédagogiques
- To learn more about the different stages involved in producing a marketing diagnosis:
a - Data summary and analysis;
b - Use of dedicated analysis tools for internal/external diagnosis (analysis of the macro environment via the PESTEL model, analysis of competitive intensity via the Porter five forces model, creation of a "dynamic" SWOT matrix).
- To consider strategy at marketing level in terms of Strategic Activity Areas via the ANSOFF matrix.
- To identify a change of strategy and of the marketing mix of a retail chain in terms of global design, inviting the public to adopt a creative and innovative approach.
- To focus recommendations at operational level on management of the product and services portfolio, mix management, communication design, visual identity and merchandising.
Consumer Spending slowdown - Ecology-sustainable development - Global design - Communication design - Marketing diagnosis - SWOT matrix - Ansoff Matrix- Pestel model - PORTER competitive intensity model.
UT - Master - ESC - IAE - Further training
Secteur d'activité
Caractéristiques particulières
This case may correspond to a course case study (initial or continuing training) concerning:
- marketing strategy,
- store chain distribution and marketing,
- store chain global design.
- It may also be used as a case study in a marketing course incorporating the above subjects.
This case may also be organised in two sections, in two distinct training programmes:
1 - An initial section could be dealt with separately and cover store chain analysis;
2 - while a second section could cover recommendations in terms of global design.
To be more precise, the analysis proposed in the slide presentation (56 slides) is based around two sections likely to throw light on the Nature & Découvertes environment (external diagnosis) and on the characteristics of its offer (internal diagnosis).
French Version also available : M1654
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
36 avec 15 page(s) annexe(s)
plus de 3 heures
52 - Commerce de détail et réparation d'articles domestiques
Oui (75 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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