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LES PETITES POUSSES: Focus on the Plant-Based, Ultra-Fresh Market, or Diversify Into the Snacking Market?

Les Petites Pousses, launched in 2017 by Stéphanie Rome, is a pioneering brand of 100% plant-based, soya-free, organic French yoghurt, and is facing stiff competition from the major international food industry groups and private labels in the ultra-fresh, plant-based market. The launch of Wonder Pea in 2023, the very first range of spread-like vegan-friendly desserts made from a product that was, to say the least, unexpected - organic pea juice from France - prompted Stéphanie to ask herself what development strategy she should adopt to give her business a new impetus: should Wonder Pea be marketed in the plant-based, ultra-fresh, dairy market, which is well known to the company, or should it venture into the snacking market to attract new consumers? If snacking appears to be a relevant source of growth, how can Wonder Pea adapt to successfully enter this competitive market with its complex specificities?
Based on a file containing ail the necessary information, you will have to take the necessary decisions for Les Petites Pousses, i.e. define a marketing strategy and propose an action plan. You will then have to formulate recommendations to help the founder better communicate the responsible and sustainable dimension of her products.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Understand the SWOT tool and carry out an external and internai analysis
(opportunities/threats, strengths/weaknesses)
- Consider the advantages and disadvantages of a brand extension (vs. a range extension)
and the characteristics of a successful brand extension
- Define a marketing strategy (segmentation, targeting, positioning)
- Propose an action plan (marketing mix: product, price, distribution, communication)
- Integrate the sustainable dimension into marketing thinking
Marketing approach, market analysis, marketing strategy, range extension, brand extension, action plan, mix-marketing, sustainable marketing
Students in Licence 3, bachelor 3 and Master 1
For executives and managers in continuous training
Secteur d'activité
Mass consumption
Caractéristiques particulières
Briefing PPT : 5 slides
Debriefing PPT : 30 slides
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
32 avec 14 page(s) annexe(s)
plus de 3 heures (3 to 6 hours)
15 - Industries alimentaires
Oui (32 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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