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EL WATANYA: How to Preserve the Leading Position in the Field of Printing in Morocco?

AFFI 2023 Best Case Award - Prix AFFI 2023 du Meilleur Cas pédagogique en Finance.

The case studies the family business El Watanya, leader in printing in the Marrakech-Safi region in Morocco since its creation in 1958.
Thus, the company has been able during more than sixty years of its existence, to develop a know-how and an expertise confirmed in its field of activity.
At the beginning, specialized in the traditional printing, El Watanya proceeded to a total integration of these trades in order to offer a complete service to its costumers.

Thus, Ben Mansour, founder and creator of El Watanya, turned to his strategy and financial advisor to ask for the elaboration of a business plan guaranteeing the implementation of the investment project which will allow the development of the company's activity.
This mission will be the subject of the present case.
Objectifs pédagogiques
- Distinguish between the decision-making mechanisms of family businesses and managerial businesses
- Identify the challenges that hinder rational decision making
- Understand the diversification strategies of firms and study the effect of family character
- Unpack and understand the relationship between diversification strategies and firm growth
- Analyze the financial situation of the company and understand the specifics of financing for family entrepreneurship
Financial diagnosis - Corporate strategy - Family business - Business plan - Diversification strategies
Students in Master, Mastères spécialisés
For executives and managers in continuous training
Secteur d'activité
Caractéristiques particulières
PDF and Excel files containing the company's summary statements as well as all the calculations required for the financial diagnosis and the development of the business plan.
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
19 avec 7 page(s) annexe(s)
plus de 3 heures (3 h à 6 h)
22 - Edition, imprimerie, reproduction
Oui (40 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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