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Concept Store: Draw me a store

Concept Store is an educational game for use in modules on marketing, point of sale marketing, merchandising, distribution and business creation.
The students are issued with a set of constraints (given by the game) and tasked with creating a retail concept.

It comprises two scenarios corresponding to two clear objectives:
Level 1: "Design a store" : Introducing the basic requirements of retail.
Level 2: "Design an experience" : Creating an in-store experience which meets the twin objectives of customer satisfaction and optimising the performance of the distributor.

These two levels can be played independently of one another.
They are not intended to follow one another;
They reflect different applications of this game corresponding to different levels of familiarity with marketing concepts : Undergraduate programmes (Level 1) or Master's programmes (Level 2).

Objectifs pédagogiques
- Gauging the students' grasp of marketing concepts and putting them into action to create an original retail space.
- Helping the teacher to illustrate the importance of marketing and the action levers available to retailers.

Level 1 : Learning outcomes
. Consistency with the constraints
. Optimization of space
. Flow of consumer traffic
. Proposal in line with current societal and behavioral trends, particularly those indicated on the "Customer Information" and "Expert Advice" cards

Level 2 : Learning outcomes :
. Consistency with the given constraints
. Clear proposal of the two cornerstones of this experience: overall theme and dramatization
. How to maximize the cost/benefit relationship for consumers
. How to maximize performance
Marketing - point of sale marketing - merchandising - retail and business creation
BTS - DUT - Licences - Bachelors - Masters 1 et 2
Secteur d'activité
Caractéristiques particulières
The game also comes with the following items & files :
- 52 card-deck
- PPT: debriefing (19 slides)
- PDF : rules of the game for both levels
- PDF : retail glossary

The Concept Store cards will be sent to you by post (delivery time: 1 week).
This 52-card deck can be used in a class of 25 learners
Jeu de cartes
6 avec 2 page(s) annexe(s)
plus de 3 heures (two half-days / 2 x 3 hours )
NS - Non significatif
Oui (19 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 350,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 350,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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