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ALVALLE: Launching the brand on the snacking market?

The case is taking place in 2012, when the soup market is reaching maturity. The refrigerated aisle is the only one driving the overall growth, but the actors must consider new growth relays. Alvalle is active on that market, and more specifically on the cold soup segment. Alvalle is part of Tropicana's portfolio, and thus belongs to PepsiCo corporation. It benefits from PepsiCo's power and is building a strong brand awareness for itself on the cold soup segment. Alvalle is the segment pioneer and leader with an 80% market share, and it is the only brand creating value on that aisle. However, the brand is still young and cold soups are not widely popular yet.
As the snacking market is looking attractive and the latest consumption trends increasingly favour on-the-go products, Alvalle sees a growth opportunity for its activity. As this new competitive market has complex idiosyncrasies, the brand must adapt its product offer in order for its market entry to be successful.
Main issues addressed in the case:
Alvalle, is stuck with its current positioning i.e. « the cold soup from a warm country » and therefore cannot develop onto the huge warm soup segment. However, based on its 2012 success, it will have to prove ever more innovative in order to reach a broad consumer audience and adapt to the new trends. The issue here is to justify Alvalle's extension onto the snacking market and for 2013, offer novelties fully adapted to this market, which represents a growth relay that should not be neglected. The launch will be developed from an overall marketing perspective and will enable students to resort to many marketing levers: product, promotion, merchandising, communication, distribution, price, labour, packaging, etc. within a limited budget (€100 K).
Objectifs pédagogiques
Some teaching objectives pertain to marketing:
-      Reflecting on the line, which is blurry here, between line extension and brand extension.
-      Reflecting on the pros and cons of a very narrow positioning.
-      Gaining intelligence about a new market: discovering the environment, its actors, the soup and snacking markets' trends and challenges.
-      Raising the students'awareness about the marketing planning approach
-      Running an external and internal analysis
-      Drawing a clear diagnosis
-      Defining a target and a positioning
-      Developing a marketing mix
-      Developing an appropriate action plan within a limited budget and a realistic reverse schedule.
-      Ensuring all the different ingredients on the marketing plan are consistent.

Some teaching objectives deal with soft skills:
-      Information analysis skills: identifying relevant from obsolete information, identifying the challenges faced by the market and the company and determining possible solutions.
-      Information summarising skills, organising and structuring the information supplied.
-      Decision-making skills: taking sides when putting together the diagnosis and recommendations.
-      Time management skills (if used as an exam subject).
Food; Product launch; brand extension; marketing strategy
Audience: Master 1 or Master 2 students specialising in B2C marketing
Secteur d'activité
Food ; Cold Soup
Caractéristiques particulières
Case examen

A set of slides is provided to animate the case (45 slides with comments )
Livraison par lien de téléchargement
44 avec 32 page(s) annexe(s)
plus de 3 heures
15 - Industries alimentaires
Oui (6 pages) - incluse

Adhérents : 360,00 € HT / Non adhérent : 720,00 € HT
* Usage illimité pour un campus sans limite de nombre d'étudiants.

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